Thursday, January 22, 2015

What do I think of Grace?

I don't like her. She is certainly an improvement from Isabelle, I'll give her that, but what's her deal? Baking. Baking is the theme for this years GOTY. Not a bad theme, it's original to the GOTY line. Also she vacations in Paris, France. In case you confused it with Paris, Ohio. You see, AG has been recycling GOTY themes ever since Lanie. Both Kailey and Lanie were environmentalists, you could make a case for Kanani too, but Lanie came first. Saige was a recycled Nicki. Horses? Check. Blue eyes freckles, and curly hair? Checkarooni! Isabelle was a recycled Marisol, and when you search for "marisol" on the AG website, you get a page that says "sorry, the Isabelle doll is no longer available" to boot. To add insult to injury, everyone from Mia and back no longer have their books in the shop. What happened to "her story lives on!"? Come on Ag their books fucking books.If you can't afford to print them anymore, have someone else print them! Back on subject, Grace's overseas extravaganza is recycled from Jess, who went on an archaeology dig with her parents in Belize. Grace could have just as easily gone to Toulouse, France. Not as recognizable but Paris is already so famous and overdone. I think that a general cooking theme would have been a better idea. You can also donate up to $10 to No Kid Hungry, a self explanatory charity. Sincere props to AG for allowing to option to donate! Well done. Onto Grace's collection (note: I will mostly be focusing on clothes):
Grace's City Outfit
Headband: I hate non-stretchy AG headbands 
Sweater: I love it! no pun intended.
Shorts: Ummmm..
Shoes: I like the colored bows and toe caps.
Altogether: This ensemble all together looks like Grace had to throw something together so she could ride with her mom to the gas station. Maybe I'll buy it.
Grace's Paris Accessories
Purse: Pretty cute
Gloves: They don't seem to match Grace's personality very much.
Tiny Eiffel Tower purse with metro pass: Why was the tiny purse included? the metro pass is kinda cute though.
Lip gloss: Of course it has her name on it! They made this same damn mistake with Isabelle last year, they can't learn from their mistakes can they?

Grace's Opening-Night Outfit
Headband: same as the city outfit
Dress: now THIS I can get behind. I'm loving it!
Sandals: pretty cute. they probably won't fit Claira, but I'll figure something out.
Altogether: a definite buy for me! this entire outfit is so pretty it almost makes up for the City Outfit. 
Grace's Travel Coat
I like the color, but not much else. The flap on her right breast is throwing me off really bad. definite not-buy, just because my dolls already have coats .But even if they did, they would not own this one.
Grace's Welcome Gifts
Beret: Extremely cute. definite buy just for the hat. *checks price* Oh well, maybe for my birthday.
Foods: Macaroons and cookies. they're cute but don't seem to be very functional, like most AG food.
Flowers: The paper they're wrapped in is cute and different, but not much else.
Papery stuff: Who cares.

Summary: Alright AG, who's next?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

ugly American(girl dolls) and why there are no such thing

All joking aside, there is no such thing as an ugly american girl doll. Today I will go through some dolls that I have witnessed people call ugly. I will list their names, their release year, and their time period if they're historical.

1. Addy Walker
 I just wanted to be blunt, I thought Addy was ugly when I was first into AG. Then I seen her at the AG Place in Atlanta, and I thought so no more. In 6th grade, my friend and I were picking American girl books at the school library. I got Felicity's and she chose Samantha. Later, after school we were on the phone and she called numerous dolls ugly. ( most of the examples on this list are straight from her mouth). She called Addy ugly, and I said " I'm still gonna try to check out her books" (never got to, out class got banned from the library) she then said "YOU ARE????" and I don't mean she yelled, I mean she was shocked.

2. Josefina Montoya
If you have read my post under the "Collectors you have met in person/talked to on the phone" thread, then you know what I'm about to say. My friend, who I will call Berry from now on, (same friend in the above example) literally said I shit you not "she looks dirty". There are no words.

3. Molly McIntyre
Sorry this is so blurry.
Berry was looking through Molly's cookbook in the school library and said out of nowhere SHE 'S UGLY! Her reasons- Glasses. Um, Berry, you and I had glasses at the time. sucks to be her, I'm rocking contacts now.

4. Kaya'aton'my
Berry didn't like her because of her closed-mouth smile. I think it makes her look calm and serene. Anyway, her smile isn't just a stylistic choice. It is accurate to her culture. It was considered rude to smile open mouthed, they believed that you looked mad, like an animal baring it's teeth. I would like to see a variation on the Kaya mold, with an open smile for use on other dolls.

5. Ivy Ling
Ivy is a lovely doll, but Berry disagreed. So what was Ivy's offense, you ask? Looking like a pig. Once again, I shit you not.

6. Marie-Grace&Cecile
Berry was "picky" to say the least. She didn't dislike 1, no she went all the way. She disliked both. Marie-Grace and Cecile were put on trial and were found guilty of: Having an ugly face,and having hazel eyes when she was black. Also being "historically inaccurate" as in a white girl and a black girl being friends before civil rights.

Please take pleasure in that you never had to deal with Berry. 

AG wish list

1. Addy's Plaid Summer dress
 If memory serves, this was released in the Spring 2011 wave, where the historicals (most of them) got new outfits. This will be for Kirsten. It's not her time period, I know, but Kirsten shines in historicals dresses. With BeForever approaching like a freight train, this is number 1.

2. Sunny Isle outfit

 This way released in May 2014 *checks date* HOLY SHIT IT'S THE LAST DAY OF JULY SCHOOL STARTS IN 3 WEEKS! Anyway, this will be for everyone, most likely Claira because this outfit washes out dolls with lighter skin. See #27 modeling above? She looks like a stick of mozzarella.

3. Double Bow dress
 A little late to the party on this one, bu better late than never. I think everyone will look good in this one. No clue when this first came out, but it's pretty recent.


 Okay this one is a maybe. Really I only want the long sleeved T-shirt and the sneakers. If I do get it I'll probably give the rest to my mom or sell it on the 'Bay (Ebay). This is  hella expensive (48$) ( not really, if were talking AG-Brand,I'm just cheap)

It all comes up to a total of: 166$!!!!!

EDIT- 5. ( actually in-between sunny isle and double bow)

  you can never have to many cats.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why Fluttershy is my favorite pony.

Why is Fluttershy my favorite pony? That is the question that will be answered in this post, my friends. I will state how her "status" came to be, why I like her so much, along with some Gifs and pictures to pad this post. Let's get started, shall we?

I marathoned the show (most of it) in February 2013, before I lost my computer privileges for 2-weeks because my parents thought that the computer made me stupid and was the cause of me failing math. they then forced me to do 1 hour of this shitty-ass math program that I had to do at school too. This program is called Mathia and it is shitty as all get out. It didn't teach me a goddamn thing. Getting back on track, in February 2013 I was in 7th grade, a time when I was feeling particularly down and depressed. The fun-upbeat nature of the show helped me to "bounce back".
     But this post isn't about Pinkie Pie!!! It's about Fluttershy! Reasons why Fluttershy is my favorite pony:

1. Relatability.
I cannot tell you how bad my social anxiety is. I hyperventilate when I have to place my own order at McDonalds.  As such, Fluttershy is the same. I imagine Fluttershy always going through the drive-thru, and I imagine myself doing the same once I get a car. (I'm 14.)

2. Aesthetics.
At first I only liked Fluttershy for her looks. She was so cute! It was hard for me to see myself in her because I have a loud voice, and hers is quiet. So many things about us were opposite, that I thought to look no further into it. BUT after I continued to watch the show on the Hub ( Albeit reruns-only for the next few months.) I began to see myself in Fluttershy almost constantly.

3. Subtle, realistic character development.

Fluttershy and her character development are relatable for me. In her episodes, her development is subtle, and the lessons are similar, BUT they are not the same. The subtlety makes it hard to catch for some people.
A lot of people hate Putting Your Hoof Down, but it is a realistic depiction. It's happened to me. In my early elementary years ( kindergarten-5th grade) I was such a pushover, and in 6th grade, my confidence awakened, and I became and real jerk, I was a bully, and a real asshole. In 7th grade my confidence regressed entirely, but this year (8th grade) I think I struck a nice balance. Like Fluttershy.

                                                                                Me in 6th grade

So those are my reasons for why Fluttershy is my favorite pony. See you later!!!